Inked By SBR


MicroSculpting is perfect for those who want to fully reconstruct, define, cover gaps, or fill-in over plucked brows. MicroSculpting is a very natural option that delivers semi-permanent results. Unlike the sometimes Sharpie-esque effects of permanent makeup, SBR's custom MicroSculpting© is more of an embroidery of trompe l'œil strokes that look just like real hairs. Those who just want to add a slight arch are also great candidates, and the results are a natural, undetectable fringe.

The Arch Awakening Is Near-Summer 2024


The Arch Awakening Is Near-Summer 2024 〰️


How Does SBR's MicroSculpting© Differ from Tattooing? 

During the MicroSculpting process, SBR uses a special Sculpting© pen to draw on individual strokes one by one. It's an extremely meticulous process that takes around two hours to complete. Since the results will last for up to three years before beginning to fade it's good to know that SBR pays so much attention to detail. Within the first hour, SBR draws the shape in with removable pencil. That’s the longest part and the most important step. During this time, the best customized shape for every client is chosen. 

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Your new set of brows will be ready for a selfie immediately after the process.


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Is MicroSculpting© Painful?

SBR assures that it’s relatively painless, yet some clients may experience minimal discomfort. Pain tolerance varies person-to-person.

Is there any Down Time?

The best part about the technique is that there is no down time. Your new set of brows will be ready for a selfie immediately after the process. Promptly before and after the service, clients should avoid: alcohol, aspirin/ibuprofen, caffeine, Vitamin A, direct and prolonged sun exposure, submersion in water, and RetinA/Retinol as these items have been linked to poor healing, loss of pigmentation, and increase risks of undesirable results.


How Long Does It Last? 

This service can last up to 1 year depending on the diligence of each client's after-care routine, as well as other lifestyle factors. 

SBR, however, recommends a follow-up one month after your appointment., which must be booked at the time of your MicroSculpting© session. Since the healing process is different for everyone, it could take between 25 and 30 days. After a month, SBR recommends a touch-up to customers. Unlike eyebrow extensions, which you have to be careful about maintaining, SBR's MicroSculpting© is low maintenance. After healing, you can rub them and enjoy swimming. No special care is required, except for a brief touch-up once a year. 

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